
Ensuring Quality Education

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP, 2008) defines “Children in especially difficult circumstances are those children who are for shorter or longer periods in their lives, exposed to intense multiple risks to their physical and mental health. A common characteristic of these children is that they lack proper adult care and protection and that they lead their lives outside mainstream society”.

Enlight was initiated in the year 2015. It is a collaborative effort of Aide et Action and Capgemini aiming towards a better future for girl children living in difficult circumstances through ‘Education’.The project is operational in 13 cities, reaching 2,416 girls living in difficult circumstances.

Project Donar

Key Objective

  • Access to Quality Education
  • Strengthen Community based education governance
  • Cognitive Development and mainstreaming through ICT
  • A healthy life and environment

Project Location

Key Stakeholders

The project engages with girl children from most difficult circumstances in 13 cities of India.

  • Bengaluru – Girl Children from Madiga community ( who engaged in manual scavenging)
  • Bhubaneshwar – Girls of families engaged in Waste Rag Picking
  • Chennai – Girls from Adi Dravida Community (Dalit)
  • Coimbatore – Girls from community engaged in Manual Scavenging
  • Delhi – Girls of families living with Leprosy
  • Gurugram – Girls of families engaged in Rag Picking
  • Hyderabad – Girls with disabilities
  • Kolkata – Girl child of women sex workers
  • Mumbai – Girls from families engaged in waste picking
  • Noida – Girls of families engaged in Manual Scavenging
  • Pune – Girls from De-notified Communities (The Waghri and Sikligars)
  • Salem – Girls infected/affected by HIV and AIDS
  • Trichy – Girls from the community engaged in Manual Scavenging