Access & Quality Education
To contribute to better access to rights by empowering children and young people as agents of change in citizenship, social cohesion and sustainable development.
To support this project
The aim of the project
To improve access for all children, young people and marginalised groups in the territories concerned to the full exercise of their rights as citizens (civil status, access to school and basic services); To strengthen the knowledge, capacities for appropriation and action of the actors (in particular children and young people) on the content and scope of children’s rights and citizenship as levers for social cohesion and sustainable development; Valorise experiences and good practices for a better involvement of public authorities and other actors in favour of access to children’s rights and the promotion of citizenship and sustainable development.

What we did
- Setting up the project team (project manager, technical assistant and accountant);
- Sharing of the project’s issues and objectives with the educational authorities (directors of the targeted schools and sectoral ministries);
- Selection of 13 schools to benefit from the project in conjunction with the Heads of Pedagogical Regions (HPR), Pedagogical Advisors (PA), project focal points and local elected officials;
- Identification of representatives of the ministries and departmental directorates concerned by the project to sit on the project steering and monitoring committee – at national level – and the project steering and implementation committee – at departmental level;
- Organisation of the site visit to the targeted schools in the two communes with the CRPs, the CPs, the focal points of the projects of the town halls and the officials of the water and forestry services;
- Production of 1,500 leaflets and 3 kakemonos on the project.